Friday, April 15, 2011

Ophelia Act 4 scenes 1-2 Diary entry

My fathers dead,my brothers away,Hamlets gone to england,what is there left for me to do.What man is good what man is bad, who should i trust.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ophelia Act 3 scenes 3-4 diary entry

What am i suppost to do, i feel like this is my fault i should of never got involved with hamlet. All this madness resulted in the death of my father.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ophelia Act 3 scene 1 and 2 Diary entry

I hope im the reason for hamlet's insane behavior,and i hope my dad and the kings plan works. he tells me he never loved me and to marry a fool because a wise man would know im cheating.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ophelia Act 2 scene 1 and 2 Diary Entry

I'm afraid Hamlet's in love with me,and because i had to reject him he's going crazy. i hope he doesn't end up doing something foolish or ends up hurting himself.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Polonious advice entry

  1. "Don’t say what you’re thinking".
  2. "Be true to yourself".
  3. "Once you’ve tested out your friends and found them trustworthy, hold onto them".
  4. "Don’t waste your time shaking hands with every new guy you meet".
  5. "Don’t be quick to pick a fight, but once you’re in one, hold your own".
  6. "Listen to many people, but talk to few".
  7. "Don’t borrow money and don’t lend it, since when you lend to a friend, you often lose the friendship as well as the money, and borrowing turns a person into a spendthrift".

Hamlet Comic strip

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ophelia scene 5 Diary entry

Who would've known it was really hamlets unlce who killed the King Hamlet, thats a big surprise. I just Hamlet doesn't get to crazy with his revenge, he might get hurt, but hopefully after he gets his revenge the kingdon won't get to out of hand.